S u s t a i n a b i l i t y

Sustainability Statement

“Unleashing human potential and future possibilities by pursuing our aspirations for the future.”
It is our aspirations and passions in our businesses under any circumstances that has enabled us to continue growing throughout these years.
We are confident that, not only the CARTA Group but when any member of society pursues “their aspirations” and act with passion, will certainly pave the ways to a brighter future.

At CARTA HOLDINGS, knowledgeable and skilled professionals work together under the motto of “Driving the evolution of the times.” We remain committed to solving social issues and contributing to a sustainable world through our corporate activities, and in doing so, aim to increase our presence as “The Evolution Factory” to empower society and industries to thrive.
We are determined to take on any challenges to explore future possibilities and continue evolving, never afraid of changes.

President and Representative Director
Shinsuke Usami


What to do

Aiming to build a sustainable society, we have identified a list of tasks that we should do. We set these tasks following the 17 goals and 169 targets of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), as well as insights derived from discussions with experts. On top of that, we also aligned the items after evaluating each of them according to their significance for stakeholders and impact towards businesses.



After conducting the above process, we defined “evolving the society”, “evolving human capital”, and “evolving corporate governance” as the three major Materiality that we should emphasize and work on.


Evolving the society

  • Develop societies and industries by promoting DX (digital transformation)

  • Empower healthy development in the digital advertising industry

  • Mitigate and adapt to climate change

Human Capital

Evolving human capital

Corporate Governance

Evolving corporate governance

  • Enhance and ensure effectiveness of corporate governance

  • Adhere to compliance and anti-corruption principles

  • Implement thorough risk management


Overview of Sustainability Committee 2024

Chairperson of committee President and Representative Director Shinsuke Usami
Vice‐Chairperson Executive Officer Rika Kajiwara
Committee members Sustainability officers of each major business、responsible persons of key themes of sustainability activities, next-generation employees, outside directors (advisors)